Lime Lighter Amuse S2000 R1

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[size=4][b][u]Car[/u]: [color="Green"]Lime Lighter S2000 R1[/color]

[u]Tuner[/u]: VTiRoj
[u]Tuning Shop[/u]: RRV Motor Works

[u]Lap Time: [color="Blue"]1:27.585[/color][/u][/b][/size]

At first, when I saw a couple Amuses entered into the TCV5, I thought it might be a bit unfair, since they start as a bona-fide tuners even while they're stock. Fortunately, there are some cars others have entered which are on-par with the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] and [color="Blue"]Blue Lighter,[/color] which may or may not create quite a dramatic turnout for the Lightweight portion of the TCV5 (depending on how others vote).

Top speed: [color="Blue"]132.9 mph[/color]. [/b]

There's little to criticize here. Speed & acceleration come easy to this car. There's a lack of torqueyness, but lots of revs for this high-RPM machine to fill. As long as you keep its revs highish, the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] therefore does its job, turning out flawless laps with little drama. 
Traction is almost always guaranteed in the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color], meaning one can [b]nail the gas early[/b]...sometimes even before mid-corner has been passed, assuming the racing line before the car is good. Gearing is also near-perfect. 6th could be dialed back slightly shorter, but this isn't fully necessary.

Overall speed isn't as great as some others in the TCV5/lightweight, however; hence some docked points. [i]Employing[/i] this car's speed & acceleration is not a problem, though.


The[color="Green"] Lime Lighter[/color] corners with extreme efficiency, mostly because it probably starts off with fatter, track-worthy tires than a stock S2000. Unfair, perhaps, but it can also be noted that some other cars in the TCV5 equipped with wings are also given advantages which could also be called "unfair". But...I don't make the rules, I only judge by them. :idea: Tuners are okay in the TCV5, as long as they're pre-approved, and so are wing kits. :p That be the rules. :p

There's so many good things to say about this car's cornering capabilities, like the razor-sharp way it handles curves. Understeer is just about non-existent, traction is always at a premium. The [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] is grippy as can be, and feels so balanced, it's as neutral as Switzerland. All of this comes with the territory (it's a tuner-car, after all) so I'll just focus on the few negatives that exist.

 The steering is a bit grabby. Not a super-serious issue, but something to watch for. The main thing that bothered me about this car is it's very [b]stiff[/b], and lowered to its minimum height. 85% of the time, this doesn't really matter at Twin Ring. 'til one is driving over an apron. The car starts bouncing then, and this hurts it occasionally. It gets difficult to aim all-a-sudden. Difficult to apply gas and brakes (if they're needed at that moment). 

Another small criticism: I didn't feel brakes were strong enough. They're rating a B+ in my book, but after making the fronts a bit stronger, I got braking distances even shorter.

I noticed there was no limited-slip device installed, so I didn't use one. The Limelighter (no surprise) didn't need it, anyways.



Here we have a car that's as versatile as can be. Miss a braking point? It's okay. Steer in too strong? The car understands. You'll never have to cry on its shoulder; :( this is a racing car, after all. The Amuse S2000 was [u]designed[/u] to offer as many cornering options as possible. I could beat BATTLE MONSTER times without trying very hard, even while experimenting with different cornering angles. Not much else to say.


[b][u]Car vs. Battle Monster[/u][/b][/size]:

VTiRoj got it right with his description, since the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] easily blows away the Opera BATTLE MONSTER with room to spare. The white Opera ghost was in my rearview mirror the entire time. ....Just not far enough behind to help the score immensely. :indiff:

[b][u]Improvement over Stock[/u][/b][/size]:

To be honest, there's hardly any area to improve over a stock Amuse S2000. The Amuse, after all, starts off as a spectacular car. It does pretty much the same things while it's stock as it does when tuned. How can one truely improve on it, other than to place its settings more to one's liking?

The [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] felt maybe 5% more confident than a stock version. The main areas of improvement is the fact that the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] is lighter than a regular Amuse. Gearing is also more appropriate for Twin Ring in the [color="Green"]Lime Lighter[/color] version. But everything else (handling, traction, etc) can't really be noted as vast improvements when comparing stock versus tuned. Also, in the stock version, I had no fear as I navigated the Amuse over rumble strips with its default Sport Suspension settings.

I would have no-doubt rated this section higher if VTiRoj had started with a regular ol' Honda S2000, instead of an actual tuner. :indiff: 


TOTAL SCORE: 70[/size][/b][/color]